First, good grannies, I can't believe it's been a whole month since I have blogged last! Eesh! It's not because I haven't thought about it. I have done plenty in the last month and blogging about it has been on the front of my mind the whole time... but with a bun in the oven, 14 kids to take care of at school, and the holidays, I've been pooped! Ok, I know those are all excuses, but still. 

One of the things I've been wanting to tell y'all about is an easy peasy recipe I found for hot chocolate. This was so easy and so good that I figured I would make it with the kids at school for Polar Express Day and let them drink it to their little hearts' content. And that's exactly what we did.

"Oh, Mrs. W! This is THE BEST hot chocolate I've EVER had!" Of course, it was. They made it. We sat as a group around our "kidney table" as we call it and took turns measuring, dumping, and mixing. 

Seriously, it was so easy an eight year can make it.

Hot Chocolate
3 cups powdered milk
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup cocoa powder

Mix and store in an air tight container. Use 3-4 tablespoons mix per one cup of boiling water (or milk). 

The kids would measure out the three tablespoons for each cup, pass it to me to add the hot water, and then I would pass it to the next person to stir... they would then serve someone the cup. They each took turns serving one another. They thought that was the best part! We had a blast... of course, we burnt plenty of tongues on accident, but hey, like the kids said, "It IS called HOT chocolate, not WARM chocolate!"

Here's a few pictures of the batch I made. 

It filled one and about three fourths of another quart sized mason jar. I served 14 kids two cups each using the batch we made and we still had enough to give our custodian a pint sized mason jar full of the mix! That's a lot of hot chocolate! And with only three ingredients, you don't have to worry about the 3 mile long list of ingredients in the boxed stuff. I hope you find some time to make yourself a batch and enjoy it with your little ones.